Petalumans are famous for their spirit of giving.

P-Town has more all-volunteer non-profit community events than you can shake a stick at.

Can anyone think of any reason why there shouldn’t be an all-volunteer networking event for Petaluma’s business community?

Instead of 6:30 in the morning with coffee and danish, why not 6:30 at night with drinks and live music?

Instead of having to pay a fee, why not free?

Why can’t business networking groups be more like a party? The only thing missing from the last 3 networking groups I attended was music, drinks and a sense of humor. Other than that, it was really great.

To that end, perhaps P-Town is ready for a little experiment? Time to test-drive “Petaluma Pete’s BizNet PianoBar”… a free, all-volunteer business networking invitation with the first meeting at TAPS this Tuesday at 6:30 PM. There’s a big, wonderful, 100-year-old cabinet grand already sitting there in anticipation of us gathering together over a little stride piano and some great networking conversations. If you’re planning to come on down, feel free to bring your elevator pitch and laptop with you.

By the way, the best networking mixers I have attended so far come from the Chamber.

Click HERE to like their fun facebook page.

Click HERE to join.

Give ’till it helps.

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